Thursday, June 23, 2011


So I woke up really happy today, and I didn't know why. As I thought about it, I realized all of the blessings that I've been bestowed lately. I've gotten to spend a lot of time with my Little Brother before he moves. I've gotten a full-time job at the YMCA working in the school-age program and I start Friday and I was perfectly content with just a subbing position. My cousin had her son today. I've gotten to know my friends that are still around for the summer even better than I already did. Things have been just amazing in my life.

And now I found out why. I've been given so much to be thankful for and been given this outlook that I woke up with because God loves me and He wants me to share that love with a friend who really needs it right now. I don't know what she is going through, but she is going through something bad and needs someone right now. So, as of this post, I am going to comfort her and I am going to be a conduit for God's Power to comfort her more than I ever could. Please pray that she will make it through this with a heart turned toward Jesus.