Sunday, April 24, 2011

As I was going out to my sister's in Bismarck yesterday, I had the urge to go someplace that didn't have the visible signs of civilization. I want to visit nature as God created it. No houses, no apartment buildings, no store, no factories, no farms. Not even a road. I just want to see actual nature. The closest that I've ever been is a campground, but even campgrounds have man-made trails, litter, and some development. I just want someplace where I can forget that there is anybody in the world except me and God.


  1. DUDE! Do it! Go get lost in the woods somewhere or just plant yourself in the middle of a North Dakotan plain. I'm sure that would be a sweet experience! Just make sure you are able to navigate your way back!

    Read the book Blue Like Jazz! or another novel by Donal Miller. He did this. I'm not sure he escaped civilization completely (that might be hard to do these days) but he definitely escaped the business that humans create and was able to focus on the vastness and wonder of God.

  2. I agree with Liz. Do it!!! :)

    Sounds like a wonderful adventure with just you and God. :D
